The Great Gladiators of vBlogSphere
Jay Krieger introduces the Great Gladiators of vBlogSphere. Jay apologies he is not able to include all great vBloggers..
Rambling philosophies of the complex life in the precious world we all share. A humble attempt toward a philosophical attitude, as one of composure and calm in the presence of troubles or annoyances.
Jay Krieger introduces the Great Gladiators of vBlogSphere. Jay apologies he is not able to include all great vBloggers..
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8:00 PM
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In a weak attempt to bring back together our community, Jay Krieger volunteers to interpret for Annie and her very short but powerful message to unite us.
Note: Yeah, I realize maybe I should be signing on the main screen, and Annie could be in the box interpreting me, but I think the message would be the same.
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8:45 PM
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To get us on a lighter side, Jay Krieger narrates how DeafRead would look like during the Victorian Times!
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6:30 PM
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Did you know that T-Mails were used long before the Unity for Gallaudet protest? Like how T-Mails played a key role in the UFG's victory, Jay Krieger explains how T-Mails played a key role for President Abraham Lincoln's victory in the Civil War!
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3:02 PM
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Jay Krieger made an interesting observation when using several Internet search engines, and noticed what sites show up on the first page.
(chuckling... yeah I know this vLog is 3:35 minutes, grin.)
NOTE: Click on screen prints to enlarge them in a new window.
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11:34 AM
Labels: VLog
Jay Krieger observed that skimming blogs is not the same as skimming vlogs. Jay explains that sometimes we have emotional triggers when trying to cut off or rush a vlog. Jay closes with four suggestions on how to set up your vlog so that it can be skimmed easier.
Note: oops, my vlog is 4:43 long, sorree ;-)
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8:32 AM
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Jay Krieger found this very old silent film made in 1863. This film may be among the first hearing test experiments. Yes, the scientist in the film is my ancestor -- strong resemblance!
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9:10 PM
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Jay Krieger's sister Marl could not figure how a river could flow upward, until the teacher demonstrates how, using few signs in ASL. Jay wonders how much it would take to explain this same thing in English.
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6:49 PM
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Jay Krieger manages to kill nagging captioning!
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7:16 PM
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As a tribute to the glorious Unity for Gallaudet protest, Jay Krieger explains a remake of The Perfect Storm that he saw.
For your entertainment, this is probably our vLogSphere's very FIRST vLog-based game!
I used fourteen (14) "key" words, names, phrases, and activities related to the Protest "hidden" within the story. Can you find them?
To get you started, "Perfect Storm" as the title is the first hidden one. "Gallaudet" in the "Sea of Gallaudet" is the second hidden one. Can you find 12 more? The answer can be found in the FIRST comment. No Peeking!
Have fun!
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9:47 PM
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Jay Krieger recounts his youth experience when he spoke... but only in Hebrew! Jay believes he has no speech ability, whatsover.
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6:01 PM
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I love Norman Rockwell's art work. His Triple Portrait inspired me to do my own version!
Triple Portraits and a "mirror"!
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7:29 PM
Labels: BLog
Jay Krieger presents his first vMeditation. He talks about what he thinks will happen to the Deaf community in Year 2200, why he thinks that would be so, and what things he believes we could do now. He also covers the separation of social issues from language to help us move forward.
(TIP! Clicking on each vLog Section below will bring up a new Window. Close that window when done viewing and return back here to select your next vLog Section.)
Introduction (2:50)
Contents (1:15)
Need to Fix It (2:56)
Kurzweil's Singularity (2:56)
The Past (2:23)
The Present (2:59)
The Future: Singularity! (1:52)
Back to the Present (3:05)
Conclusion (1:02)
Appendix: An Experiment (3:24)
Appendix: Vloggers, How I did this (1:42)
This vMeditation in PowerPoint (0:46 - use Pause Button)
NOTE: This vMeditation is completely an independent opinion of his own using his own personal observations, philosophies, and beliefs. Jay emphasizes that he is no linguist, sociologist, xxx-ist, etc., but rather a rambling layman. He hopes this vMeditation leads us toward a positive and learning debate environment where anybody can express their agreements or disagreements.
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2:28 PM
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Working with her Koda daughter, Jay Krieger observed that it appears that kodas learn better in ASL.
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9:35 PM
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Jay Krieger presents a dilemma where schools often filters out videos from YouTube, Video.Google and other sites as part of Internet Safety for our children. He calls for ideas and opinions
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5:18 PM
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Jay Krieger talks about his experience that he believes are typical with other folks from Deaf schools.
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5:16 PM
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In this short vlog, Jay Krieger briefly extends his discussion in his previous vlog ASL can be Recorded! showing that through technology, recordkeeping is now equal for all languages.
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7:24 PM
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Jay Krieger reflects on his observations regarding the debate on captioning or transcribing vlogs. This topic seem to have hit a nerve for some members of the Deaf Community. Jay discusses his own experiences of captioning and transcribing. He does not think it will be widely accepted by the vloggers, simply because the process involved somewhat burdens the vloggers. It also affects vloggers' natural thought processes and sometimes corrupts the ASL message itself.
However, Jay introduces Ben Vess ( and how his transcribing service could benefit you (and others). You may want to simply consent to a transcript developed by Ben and his group and have it kept on a separate website. The important thing he pointed out is that Ben exhibits respect for the ASL language and especially the vloggers' personal choices.
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5:41 PM
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In this VLog Jay Krieger talks about languages' need for permanent records. ASL has been struggling to come up with record keeping -- using paper. But ASL needs to break free and use different record keeping system. Jay closes with an idea on having some sort of central library or repository to preserve all our ASL records.
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8:30 PM
Labels: VLog
Jay Krieger explains that it appears when he signs for a VLog, he code-switched to English. However, for this VLog, he intentionally tries to stay in ASL mode.
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7:06 PM
Labels: VLog
After seeing some turbulence in the blog sphere on the undue pressure vloggers have to caption/transcribe your vlogs, Jay Krieger discusses his philosophy on preserving our freedom to express our messages in their purest form, and then decide how handle the consequences of their delivery. Jay also discusses other captioning/transcribing approaches.
--------------------------- TRANSCRIPT ---------------------------
This eTranslation is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the author and the translator. Under no circumstance can this transcript be used for commercial purposes.
Vlog site:
Vlog author: Jay Krieger
Translated from American Sign Language by Benjamin Vess
ASL Copyright 2007, Jay Krieger.
This transcript is a translation from American Sign Language into English. The contents below has not yet been review and/or approved by the the author. Any errors in translation and/or, but not limited to, interpretation is at the fault of the translator alone.
"Feel Free To Express!"
by Jay Krieger
Sunday, February 11, 2007
hello today i'm glad to be discussing a litte bit more in depth on the concept of anonymous in comparison to the oppression of the need of captioning/subtitling, transcript, etc. currently at debate in blogosphere that caused some fears, concerns, and senstivity, and got to the point where some people decided to drop out of vlogging because they're scared.
I have been thinking and it's really interesting because this is all still very new for all of us. I want to share with you my views and philosophy on the subject. My philosophy is "KISS:" Keep it Simple and Sweet. Not a "short and simple message," no. Keeping the process simple, that is.
Really, I have four main points to expand on here: The first one--the message inside your head,at its most purest form. The brainstorming, the thinking--whether it be in ASL or English, whatever language you choose is fine--the abstract thought. Then you proceed to present your message and walk away--leaving your message out there.
The message presented should be at its most purest form. Imagine a painter was painting a picture on a canvas, finishing it up. Does it have a statment underneath the finished work explaining as to why he painted the picture that way, moving the strokes a certain way? No, there isn't any; it is an artistic expression. The canvas on display is left for people to look at and think of their own interpretation whether it's the same as the artist or not, we don't know. One would have to talk to a painter and ask "what's that on the painting?" That belongs to a later point: the consequences.
But let's go back: the message should be at its purest form. At this point, don't worry about captioning/subtitling or transcripts. It's important to get the message out of your head and presented. Now that part is completed--we go on to the next step, the second step: what is the consequences of that message? The message has been presented and you've left--it's sitting out there, whether it be a blog, in writing or signed, in a vlog. Now once it's out there, whatyou could do--there are options, you could want a transcript...install captioning...or you may even want to speak (not me). Or maybe nothing. Leave the message alone, as is.
Also, you must be senstitive to your responsibility to the message you present, it should not be in libelous or slanderous nature. If the message is truly important to a wide audience and you feel responsible to add more message (ie transcripts, captioning) to better reach your readers/viewers. But, if you chose not to do that, that's okay, it is your decision. It's all up to you. Now that concludes the second step, the consequences of your message.
As we move on to the third point, people out there who watches/read the blog/vlog and see that it's important could volunteer to offer, "Can I write a transcript for you?" I think you should say, "Sure, you're welcome to do that." You get to do nothing, it's really easy just to put a link or an excerpt or anything. They wrote it, that's nice.
Now to the fourth and final point, you decide: no, you do not want their assistance in translating your vlog/blog into a transcript or add captioning. You don't want anything in addition to your vlog/blog. The people who offered you the service get your repsonse and decide to go ahead without your permission and create a transcript on their own blog. Well, it's the internet, it's free for anyone, anonymous or not. Anything goes.
But I think the people (translators) should give the blogger/vloggers the courtesy of giving credit where it is due and inform the original author of republication. It's not okay when someone translates and claim the translation as their original idea. But if they decide not to give credit where it is due, then I think it is easier accept their transcript.
Now, to sum up all four points, you should feel free to express anything you want, from thought in your mind into a message in whatever form that's most purest to you. That's the true value of the message. Don't worry about the other things that cloud your message.
I want to close up with an idea/suggestion, i have many ASL and interpreting classes out there, many of them volunteers, some of them still learning ASL, watching the vlogs/blogs. That group could use transcripting as part of their training. ASL teachers now could assign homework to the class telling them to go home and pick two or three vlogs/blogs that has no transcript. Go ahead and look on the internet, it's easy to find. One could look at, look at many different ways to find a vlog/blog without a transcript and the students have to write a transcript then contact the author of the blog/vlog.
This way the student could talk to that person and see if the transcript gets accepted as part of their learning experience, processing and translating ASL--contacting a Deaf person, getting involved with the Deaf community.
Feel free, the internet is free!
"Feel Free To Express!"
by Jay Krieger
Sunday, February 11, 2007
This transcript is a translation from American Sign Language into English. The contents below has not yet been review and/or approved by the the author. Any errors in translation and/or, but not limited to, interpretation is at the fault of the translator alone.
This eTranslation is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the author and the translator. Under no circumstance can this transcript be used for commercial purposes.
Vlog site:
Vlog author: Jay Krieger
Translated from American Sign Language by Benjamin Vess
ASL Copyright 2007, Jay Krieger.
--------------------------- TRANSCRIPT ---------------------------
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1:27 PM
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Jay Krieger explains his opinion on folks commenting anonymously. He believes that since he signs to anonymous readers; thus, anonymous responses are equally welcome, if they desire so.
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9:14 PM
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In this vlog, Jay Krieger attempts to describe what he thinks is the difference between being bilingual and having a second language.
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9:03 PM
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Jay Krieger discusses how you could be your own editor by creating your own "Personal DeafRead" aggregator through use of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and Atom Readers widely available off the Internet. You can then pick up unfiltered posts from any other blogs or sites (deaf-related or not) that interest you.
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8:06 PM
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Jay Krieger shows some of his (and commonly others') experiences of doing things that slightly contradicts with "Deaf people can do everything but hear".
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6:59 PM
Labels: VLog
After reading this DeafRead Link about new software that automates closed captioning developed by OSU, I asked my staff to contact them to find out more about the software. Here is their response (copied/pasted) . Names have been blotted out as I have not extended the courtesy of asking the person for permission to have this posted.
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 6:26 PM
Subject: RE: Automated Closed-Captioning software
Thanks for your interest. Unfortunately, the story in the OColly wasn’t completely accurate. (It think they might have been trying to pump OSU up a little higher that the complete truth.)
The truth is, I didn’t write all the software necessary for the full automation.
The full process actually takes three different software packages, mine is just one of them.
I am still writing and tweaking on the software and it will not be commercially available until I have had some time to write the help files, build a website for support, tweak in the installer a bit, etc. So, it might be 6 months or so before it’s really ready for prime time.
The three tools you will ultimately need to match OSU’s system are Autodesk Cleaner, BBN Avoke
STX (telephony version), and TransCapMedia AutoSpark.
The software I wrote is called AutoSpark. TransCapMedia is a company I am just now starting so
getting that company up and running might delay the process a little too.
Anyway, thanks for your interest, please give me a shout in six months or so and hopefully I will finally have it ready to go.
As far as sending you a copy to try, unfortunately having my part of the software won’t do you any good without at least having the software from BBN. Because, what really turns the audio into text, is the software from BBN. I just take their output and convert it into a caption. And, since I didn’t write their program, I unfortunately can’t give you a copy of it to try. And, I think the last I checked they wanted quite a bit of money for it. Sorry for the bad news.
I will try eventually try to work out a deal with BBN and Autodesk to see if I can create a server with everything already installed on it and ready to go that I could sell and use for demos and whatnot. So the good news is, down the road, I might eventually be able to help you out with a demo unit.
XXXXXX, Emerging Technology
Oklahoma State University Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence
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6:50 AM
Labels: BLog
Jay Krieger discusses a brief example of a vicious cycle of the oppressed being oppressors.
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9:45 PM
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Wind speed? Check!
Descent rate? Check!
Object targeted!
Scanning for safety…
I’ll get it! I’ll get it!
Circling at target
Adjusting for water reflection
Splash! Touchdown!
Taking off slowly
Flapping prize in front of my eyes!
My dinner!
Not When
I’m sitting on the beach watching…
The seagull hovering in the sky scanning the waters.
Suddenly it crashed into the water.
After some clumsy flapping around, it took off with a small fish in its bills.
What a sheer luck, I thought.
Written while on his Harley solo ride about
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7:00 PM
A couple of years ago, I attended American Bikers Aimed Toward Education (ABATE) motorcycle safety course. It was a good experience for me, so I decided to write to Indiana ABATE magazine, and it was published. Click on the two images below, which will enlarge them. For the first page, look to your right side under RiderEd MailBag. That column continues to the next page on its upper left side. Enjoy!
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6:50 PM
Labels: BLog
Jay Krieger gives a perspective on the Critical Mass concept. Once we understand the “art” of achieving critical mass in any movement, we will see greater success.
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11:45 PM
Labels: VLog
In the scorching heat
Riding down a country route
Full of prairie
In South Dakota
Armed with water
Smeared with sun lotion
Full stomach
Full gas tank
Approaching a biker group up front
That cruised at a leisure speed
Harley fellow riders
Wanting solitude
Opening gas throttle
Engine guns and passes them by
Riders grimace my roaring pipes
Down the route
A large biker group
Approaching by in a zigzag format
They saluted
I noticed a stranded bike on shoulder
A gal looking down
Her frustrated boy on his knees
Fidgeting on the engine
My crowd in front
The other crowd in my rear mirror
Not one noticed
Nor cared
Screeched to a stop
Made an U-turn
Guy looks up and waves 'go on'
But gal pleads with her eyes
Guy thumbs 'all is cool'
But gal gives out a 'gimme-a-ride' look
Dismounting from my horse
Gave her a bottle of cool water
Guy thumbs up 'thanks'
Gal waves 'thanks'
Treated them with a thunder
From my straight pipes
Take care!
Continuing on my way
Catching up with life
That waited for me
Life is good.
During a Harley ride-about north of Sturgis, South Dakota
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10:10 PM
Labels: BLog
Somewhere in Michigan…
An old June 25, 1990 Indianapolis Star Section C page floated on a light breeze somewhere in the upper Michigan peninsula.
It landed at an intersection when the breeze dies out. A lady in an old Chevrolet zoomed by, drawing the Section C into its vacuum. Section C wrapped itself on the leaf spring underneath the vehicle by the force of the wind.
In a while, the Chevy lady pulled up by a local diner. Section C, without the wind to help keep it in place under the car, floated down and away toward the middle of the parking lot.
A trucker walked up, all full and wide-awake from his hearty breakfast at the diner, toward his truck, and fired the diesel up. As the truck turned into the highway, Section C got windswept into the cavity between the truck and its trailer.
Somewhere in Indiana…
The trucker pulled into a rest area to relieve himself of all the coffee he drank the last eight hours. Section C freed itself and floated away onto the ground.
The gas attendant, collecting trash around the gas station, picked up Section C and placed it along with another discarded paper items into a paper-recycling bin by the curb.
An upcoming storm was blowing strong winds, and some of its currents blew all papers and Section C out of the recycling bin, pushing them southward.
Finally Section C swirled out and slid onto the open road. It then got caught in a tailwind of a blue Harley and slid further a quarter of mile before it got stuck into a cow fence by the road side.
“C!”, “C!” screams a June 25 1990 Indianapolis Star Section A front page wrapped around the same cow fence post. “Oh my poor baby C, where have you been?!?” “I have been waiting for you for the last three years since you left me.” “Oh C, nevermind, I am so happy you are home with me now!”
“Yes ma!” “I know!” “I have missed ya, ma, too!” said Section C
Morale: Anything, small or big, that moves in front of you may have its own journey!
Written while on Harley solo rideabout
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1:55 PM
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1:50 PM
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Got ‘em at the continent view
Still we lose our way
Got ‘em at the regional view
Still we lose our way
Got ‘em at the state view
Still we lose our way
Got ‘em at the county view
Still we lose our way
Got ‘em at the town view
Still we lose our way
Got ‘em at the street view
Still we lose our way
Birds, animals, insects, and all creatures of nature
Got no maps
Still they never lose their way!
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1:30 AM
Labels: BLog
My daughter Sami Krieger had a short role in the Miracle on 34th Street movie. She was 5 years old when she did the role. Hard to believe she will be joining her eldest sister Amanda at Gallaudet this fall. This is simply an adorable piece that I could not resist sharing with you. Enjoy!
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1:00 AM
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Jay Krieger discusses Status Quo, and that we need to challenge it, question it, understand it before we accept it.
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10:19 PM
Labels: VLog
Is everything in Life dual?
Goodness and evil.
Life and death.
Future and past.
But you exist.
Everything in Life is a trio!
Goodness, you, and evil.
Life, you, and death.
Future, you and past.
In goodness, in evil, only you decide.
Given life and taken by death, only you live.
Will be in the future, been in the past, only you can be.
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2:13 AM
Labels: BLog
Jay Krieger discusses the power you have on whether you would enjoy or ignore certain b/vlogs. You would view certain b/vlogs only if you enjoy them, and simply skip those b/vlogs you do not enjoy them. The b/vloggers can present their messages in however form they like.
The point being made here is that there is no need to push expectations on the b/vlogger if you do not like what you see; but to just move on. However, debating on the presented message in themselves are what really counts.
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11:05 PM
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