Friday, February 8, 2008

Laurent Clerc: Powerful Statement

Jay Krieger found another quite powerful statement that goes well with George Veditz' famous and powerful statement. Jay attempts to "ASL-ize" Clerc's powerful statement which was quite a challenge. Full text of Clerc's statement is shown below. Feel free to share your versions.

Jay came across this statement which was hung in a picture frame in his school's superintendent office. There was no further information on when he wrote this, nor where he did this. Maybe, you, my dear DeafReaders, can search for and find more information.

Full Text:

A day when deaf people and their language are completely accepted -- no, more than that, truly welcomed -- as a part of the family of man, in which god created diversity not to oppress the minority who are different, but to enrich the lives of all.

-- Laurent Clerc


Deb Ann and Hannah said...


Anonymous said...

Well done, Jay!

Thanks for doing this! Too bad these AgBAD folks, parents of oral deaf children and these deaf people who really wanted to hear and bray in order to be accepted by hearing individuals do not see the way Laurent Clerc wanted to see.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Amen...

let look the bible verse..

here is levitucus 19:14
Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the Lord.. Amen...


David Ennis said...

Yes, I agreed with Clerc's simple statement that sent a powerful message to the Pure Oralists and empowered it to the Deaf people.

I always believe that God has own purpose to create a diversity of Black, White, Red, Brown, Yellow and of course, Deaf people on Earth.

Deaf is not a curse but a blessing. It does not refer to EAR but HUMAN BEING has own CONSCIOUSNESS that contains HEART, MIND and SOUL.

Pure Oralism movement decided to erase the Deaf history because they did not want Deaf children to look up at many past Deaf role models who were wonderful people using ASL.

As I was a product of Fanwood and Texas School for the Deaf, I can't remember if my teachers did ever tell me that Laurent Clerc was the most important Deaf founder of American School for the Deaf with Thomas Galluadet and Dr Mason Gogswell. Except one thing I remember, they mentioned that Thomas Gallaudet founded ASD and that's all.

Jay, Did you remember that the teachers at Fanwood and PSD mention Laurent Clerc?

I am BiBi supporter with the restoration of Deaf history.

Anonymous said...

It was expressed by Laurent Clerc and put into words by Gil Eastman and Harlan Lane....

See the last paragraph of the link below:

David said...


Laurent Clerc was a man who understood future and rights.

His comment fits our current status based on Civil Rights (USA) and Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Canada).

His comment has amazed me ever since.


Jay said...

Hiya David Ennis

I do not recall learning any deaf history at Fanwood, but then I left when I was 11. But I do recall some stuff while at PSD for the next 4 years. I am proud to attend America's 2nd and 3rd oldest Deaf schools -- NYSD and PSD!

Beaux Arts de Boutjean said...

Short and sweet and true as gold!

I have never forgotten what Gil Eastman said to me and others at his table in the Rathskellar in 1973 which was when I was a Froshie.

"Laurent Clerc is my god."

Was I curious!!! I asked him, "Who is Laurent Clerc?" The rest is history! Gil was like Moses who helpedd deaf Americans find their home, Israel, so to speak.

Then I have painted many portrportraits of Laurent Clerc!

Anonymous said...

Candy is correct.

That quote was written by Harlan Lane as a writing technique that he explained in the beginning of the book "When the Mind Hears."

It's a good technique, and appropriate to use it in certain situations, such as this situation with Clerc.

Karen Mayes said...


I am glad that my daughter attends ISD ;o).

Anonymous said...

The beautiful statement inspires me! It must be shared with people over the world!

Thanks, Jay!

Jay said...

Candy and Brian Riley

Thank you for identifying where the quote came from. My superintendent pointed that out just now, and oops, he said he told me that already. Me and my bad memory.

But Im glad we know its sources, but we can still step back and appreciate the message behind the quote, which is still valid to this day!

IamMine said...


It is a beautiful quote!

Still to this day, it's true...

I did my last speech last week and this time it was the persuasive type.

I decided to pick on ASL and it wasn't targeted at the deaf children, but ALL children in public schools, starting at the elementary school level.

I pointed out researches done on baby signs and also various learning styles that would benefit them if they learned the ASL language as the PRIMARY foreign language before any others, say French or Spanish, because it would make them smarter and also having various subjects being taught by Deaf teachers with the application of ASL.

It'll be interesting to see what my classmates thought of that and especially if my teacher was convinced. :P

That has always been my thought - I even mentioned that in my first vlog. :P

Anonymous said...

beautifully said

Anonymous said...

What about create large sign of the statement to be display somewhere at AGBad convention this coming summer??????

deafk said...

i have always admired Clerc that he had started ASL education. I got to know Clerc as much as I could.

I even won the game about Clerc while I was a student, living at Clerc dorm. Gil Eastman gave me a small prize, smile. That tells a lot?? :D


Unknown said...

Excellent quote making me feel really peaceful when reading that and I want to share this to the world especially in AG Bell Conference!

Deaf Cinema said...

stubbled upon this vlog entry very late

thank u for sharing this and asl-izing the English text quote

i do very much miss your vlogging

u r a much needed "voice" out here
